Thursday, January 6, 2011


pickled red onions

I love everything to do with pickles. so does Simone. So I thought I would try pickling some red onions, and of course, they were fantastic. Go great on anything, especially tacos and sandwiches, maybe salads or soups as well.

1 cup white wine vinegar
1/2 cup lime juice (freshly squeezed tasted miles better than from the bottle)
3 tbs sugar
1 tbs salt

Bring these ingredients to a boil while you are thinly slicing your medium- sized red onion. Pop the sliced onion in a bowl and pour the boiling liquid over them. Cover this concoction with some plastic wrapped and pop those suckers into the fridge for a couple hours. They will become a lovely redish pink (begin to look like candy) and cool completely, and thats when you know they are ready to eat.

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